Wednesday, April 30, 2014



     It is impressive the way a small thing can create the idea of a planned life cycle. The lightbulb conspiracy is a way to explain the way on running the income of products. Everything is based on "how often a product has to be renewed." The lightbulb conspiracy explains this theme with the example of how often a lightbulb needs to be changed because it damaged. Things that people use in their day to day, are created to be replaced. 

     When a company throws a new product in the market, they want to call the consumers attention, by price, quality and quantity. There is the other side of the coin. Designers and Engineers create the product in other to fail in a period of time. Lightbulbs run out because their filaments brake, a clock with specific engines, a printer with a unique chip that is designed to stop working. The other way to replace products is, setting a new product that is better than the old one. One person buys it, the whole world buys it. 

     We are surrounded by propaganda, it is in the human nature to innovate and to create new things. Sadly we live in a world where things are built to be replaced, not fixed, we live in a world that consumes us slowly and we don't even notice it.


"Planned Obsolescence, the Intentional Limiting of Product Lifespans, Forces Us to Consume More than Strictly Necessary. With Reference to Energy Saving Light Bulbs, Is This a Cynical Ploy by the Industrialists or a Mechanism for Maximising Consumer Choice?" Chew The Fat. N.p., n.d. Web. 30 Apr. 2014.

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