Tuesday, April 1, 2014

AL Jazeera

2. 2 paragraph summary of current topic in the NEWS. GO TO AL Jazeera and find an article or video there. Cite the course and include your interpretation of it.  (http://www.aljazeera.com/)

This is How To Shut Down Society

     Lately on Turkey there are impacting news that could create disturbs all over the world. In this case we are talking about the banning of the social media. What is the social media? The social media in this early society is extremely important, cites that permit an audience to express, communicate, debate, and transmit ideas to other receptors and users. World social networks such as Twitter and Youtube are being banned in Turkey. This move created disturbs not only in Turkey, but in the rest of the world.

   The reason of why the government banned this powerful social media is simply because of elections. Previously when banning procedures of media, the cases were taken to the court. In this case there is no court procedures, and no debate about this. People find a way to connect to Twitter and Youtube in an "ilegal" way; leading the impossibility of banning completely the use of this cites. Elections, and the moment to choose a new mandatory of the country is about to arrive. The government do not want to have a corruption of ideas, or a bad influence in the take of decisions (voting). 
     If the purpose of a possible new mandatory of Turkey is to improve the position of the country, then why are they so afraid of the social media? 

"Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s opponents say his online clampdown is just a cynical, short term political move and a response to a growing story about government corruption. But Turks have refused to let the ban stop them from getting onto the micro-blogging site." (Aljazeera)

From this news a conclusion may be highlighted: The purpose of a new form of government need to be solid enough to fight against the social media. Banning this cites only show the fear, and how afraid the government is. It is not power, its a coward way to gain power; banning people's opinion.

Works Cited:

"Turkey vs Twitter." - Listening Post. N.p., n.d. Web. 01 Apr. 2014.
"Twitter Denies Crackdown on Anti-government Accounts in Turkey." TODAY'S ZAMAN. N.p., n.d. Web. 01 Apr. 2014.


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