Wednesday, April 30, 2014



     It is impressive the way a small thing can create the idea of a planned life cycle. The lightbulb conspiracy is a way to explain the way on running the income of products. Everything is based on "how often a product has to be renewed." The lightbulb conspiracy explains this theme with the example of how often a lightbulb needs to be changed because it damaged. Things that people use in their day to day, are created to be replaced. 

     When a company throws a new product in the market, they want to call the consumers attention, by price, quality and quantity. There is the other side of the coin. Designers and Engineers create the product in other to fail in a period of time. Lightbulbs run out because their filaments brake, a clock with specific engines, a printer with a unique chip that is designed to stop working. The other way to replace products is, setting a new product that is better than the old one. One person buys it, the whole world buys it. 

     We are surrounded by propaganda, it is in the human nature to innovate and to create new things. Sadly we live in a world where things are built to be replaced, not fixed, we live in a world that consumes us slowly and we don't even notice it.


"Planned Obsolescence, the Intentional Limiting of Product Lifespans, Forces Us to Consume More than Strictly Necessary. With Reference to Energy Saving Light Bulbs, Is This a Cynical Ploy by the Industrialists or a Mechanism for Maximising Consumer Choice?" Chew The Fat. N.p., n.d. Web. 30 Apr. 2014.

Friday, April 4, 2014

The Colombian Monetary System

2. How is the Colombian monetary system constructed? What policies govern the Banco De Republica? How are that and the Federal Reserve in the USA similar and different? 

     Colombian Monetary System

     A monetary system is a set of procedures gathered together that a government uses in order to provide income or money to the economy of the country. It consists on a central bank and the commercial banks. The Colombian monetary system is directed or administrated by "El Banco Central" or "Banco De La Republica". This central bank is in charged of generating the physical money, controlling and supervising the amount of money. Buying and selling actions called "OMAS" and supervising the bank system of the country.

     "Banco De La Republica" includes two main divisons for their policies, the public and the private. The public policies that govern this central bank are: planning, regulating, and controling diverse areas of production that are key factors for the economy of the country. The public policies need to maintain limits over the private one. The private policies are the ones that include personal loans, personal agreements, and the general interest of particular people. The colombian Monetary system is similar to the U.S monetary system because they both focused on the protection, modernisation, liberation and well management of an organised economic system.

Works Cited:

"What Is a Monetary System?" What Is a Monetary System. N.p., n.d. Web. 04 Apr. 2014.

"Sistema Monetario Colombiano." Buenas Tareas. N.p., n.d. Web. 04 Apr. 2014

Fractional Reserve

1. Explain the Fractional reserve banking system as you understand it and according to the film. (2 paragraphs explaining-- and if you want to include a THIRD paragraph or your reaction/opinion that is welcome.)

Fractional Reserve Banking System

     The fractional banking system is a system in which only a fraction of bank deposits are backed by actual cash and are able to be taken. The purpose is to expand the economy by freeing capital that can be loaned out to other groups of people. With this system the production of money is in a way that it's controlled and supervised way. This process functions by producing bonds created by the government and gave away to the federal bank; then transformed into money. It is important to remember that the 100% of the money is divided. Only 3% of the physical money is kept in the bank, and the other 97% is kept virtually. With this system money is in a safe position, because of the virtual security.

    There are more divisions beyond the percentage assigned of physical money. The percentage that corresponds to the physical money is 3%, taking the 3% as a 100%, that 100% of the 3% is divided for many uses. With that percentage, banks can generate loans, and can make their transactions. The interesting part of loans is the tremendous amount of money received back because of the interests. Interests in the loans can produce many times more the principal amount of the loan. This calls my attention because this is an aspect where people can identify, where does money come from. 

Works Cited:

"Fractional Reserve Banking." Investopedia. N.p., n.d. Web. 04 Apr. 2014.

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

AL Jazeera

2. 2 paragraph summary of current topic in the NEWS. GO TO AL Jazeera and find an article or video there. Cite the course and include your interpretation of it.  (

This is How To Shut Down Society

     Lately on Turkey there are impacting news that could create disturbs all over the world. In this case we are talking about the banning of the social media. What is the social media? The social media in this early society is extremely important, cites that permit an audience to express, communicate, debate, and transmit ideas to other receptors and users. World social networks such as Twitter and Youtube are being banned in Turkey. This move created disturbs not only in Turkey, but in the rest of the world.

   The reason of why the government banned this powerful social media is simply because of elections. Previously when banning procedures of media, the cases were taken to the court. In this case there is no court procedures, and no debate about this. People find a way to connect to Twitter and Youtube in an "ilegal" way; leading the impossibility of banning completely the use of this cites. Elections, and the moment to choose a new mandatory of the country is about to arrive. The government do not want to have a corruption of ideas, or a bad influence in the take of decisions (voting). 
     If the purpose of a possible new mandatory of Turkey is to improve the position of the country, then why are they so afraid of the social media? 

"Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s opponents say his online clampdown is just a cynical, short term political move and a response to a growing story about government corruption. But Turks have refused to let the ban stop them from getting onto the micro-blogging site." (Aljazeera)

From this news a conclusion may be highlighted: The purpose of a new form of government need to be solid enough to fight against the social media. Banning this cites only show the fear, and how afraid the government is. It is not power, its a coward way to gain power; banning people's opinion.

Works Cited:

"Turkey vs Twitter." - Listening Post. N.p., n.d. Web. 01 Apr. 2014.
"Twitter Denies Crackdown on Anti-government Accounts in Turkey." TODAY'S ZAMAN. N.p., n.d. Web. 01 Apr. 2014.


Food Inc. 1

1. How does Food Inc relate to issues of RACE, and ECONOMIC or CORPORATE control (as in Economic Hit Men)? We have been exposed to many ideas these last few weeks. Think of all the issues in the RACE film, CONFESSIONS of an ECONOMIC HIT MAN and in FOOD INC. 

IDENTIFY 3 ways these films and issues overlap. Address this relationship. 

German Gomez Sorzano
April 1, 2014
Food Inc - More Than Just Food

     We live in a society where race, economy, and corporate control are part of the most considered aspects in a person. Food Inc is the name of a famous documentary which exposes "what the consumer's eye" don't get to see. There is a variety of procedures that food is submitted to, before packing and selling to society. How does "Food Inc" relates to race, economy and the famous "Economic Hitman"? Food Inc and the procedures exposed in this documentary relate to race, economy, and the corporate control because of the concept or the idea of "Power."



ability to do or act; capability of doing or accomplishing something.
political or national strength: the balance of power in Europe.
great or marked ability to do or act; strength; might; force.
the possession of control or command over others; authority; ascendancy: power over men's minds.
political ascendancy or control in the government of a country, state, etc.: They attained power byoverthrowing the legal government.

     These five main definitions to power relate to Food Inc, Race, Economy, and corporate control. One of the main ideas of power is considered to be "money". Money moves mass, people, ideas, goals and many other. Companies have the ambitious tendency of picking low income targets in order to feed and grow their strength. It is also considered that race is related to power, therefore money; in the U.S white people are more wealthy than the rate of wealth of black people. Once there is power, once there is a difference of power, control is possible, considering control as possessing another entity. Power is the main relation between race, economy, corporate control and the purpose of Food Inc. We live in a society where we are in a competitive race to obtain a piece of power.


Works Cited:

"Power.", n.d. Web. 01 Apr. 2014

"Profiles Asia Pacific, Inc. » Using Power in the Workplace." Profiles Asia Pacific Inc. N.p., n.d. Web. 01 Apr. 2014.