Monday, March 24, 2014

Post B

B: Chose another topic of international concern. Summarize the issue and try to present the different opinions (with or without your personal bias.)
 Link to another site or source for more info... look for sources that represent differing perspectives. (most points if you can present sources of differing perspectives.)

Free Trade Agreement - Right or Wrong Decision

The Issue: Colombia and The United States, agreed a free trade agreement contract for about ten years. Some say that this trade contract affects the economy for Colombia, but some others say that its beneficial for the economy, imports/ exports. 

According to the Office of The United States Trade Representative: "Over 80 percent of U.S. exports of consumer and industrial products to Colombia will become duty free immediately, with remaining tariffs phased out over 10 years. The U.S.–Colombia Trade Promotion Agreement (TPA) will support more American jobs, increase U.S. exports, and enhance U.S. competitiveness." This previous information reveals the benefits of the United States. Some people argue that the benefits are greater for the united states, the economy of Colombia is unbalanced due to the free trade agreement. 

For Colombia the situation is a little complicated. For the Colombian economy this trade was a challenge, the Colombian industry faced many complications, but also benefits. Complications such as, the reducing of agricultural prices, creating trouble in the rural areas. For industralists it was different, they needed to make reforms in order to succeed. Eventually, between time, the economy of both countries will stabilise, imports and exports will grow for the better, that is the purpose.

Works Cited:

  "Lo Bueno Y Lo Malo Del TLC Para Colombia." Lo Bueno Y Lo Malo Del TLC Para Colombia. N.p., n.d. Web. 24 Mar. 2014

"U.S.-Colombia Trade Agreement Now In Force." Office of the United States Trade Representative. N.p., n.d. Web. 24 Mar. 2014.

Post A

A: Identify and explain at least two global or regional consequences of Economic Hit men practices. Use the text and film that we looked at (Confessions of an Economic Hit man & Zeitgeist Addendum (film we saw in class)). What evidence does John Perkins give to convince you of the impact of economic hit men?

ECONOMY: One of the consequences of the economic hit men practices is the economy. The reason why the economy is affected in this practices its because of the unbalanced way this practices are done. In the book "Confessions of An Economic Hitman", the author exposes many aspects in which the global economy is been affected. The economy is being affected, when The World Bank loans other small and undeveloped countries, money for them to industrialise. The problem in this practice are the taxes, or the interests. Immediately when the country enters in an external debt with The World Bank, the economy is unstable. 

SOCIAL: Another consequence of the economic hitman is the social aspect. When this practices take place, usually in poor countries the social aspect gets affected. Personally, I identified one global consequence when this practices are do. Corruption, this is a topic that is unchained when talking about economy. When a country gets money loaned from The World Bank, the representatives of the country may distribute the money in a wrong way, causing more losses than improvements. The way that money is administrated by the rulers of a country is essential in order to have well structured country. 

Works Cited:

  "Confessions Of An Economic Hitman Images | TheCelebrityPix." Confessions Of An Economic Hitman Images | TheCelebrityPix. N.p., n.d. Web. 24 Mar. 2014.

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Post 2 Prompt 3

#3. What are the power privilege (gender, race, economics, etc)

German Gomez S.
March 17, 2014

The Power Privilege

The sad truth is that race and gender give an advantage to people for having more power. Race is an idea that has guided humanity to an "Oil plus Water" effect. The oil and water effect is the idea of being in the same place but not mixed and divided by characteristics. In modern society, race has become part of every daily activity. Sports, economics, politics, etc. The idea of being black, gives other people the "concept" that blacks can be better at certain sports than white people. People who are white are 8 times wealthier in the United States than black people in the United States. 

Power is the ability to do something or act in a particular way. Society has being formed with the idea that whites are more advanced than black, and somehow that gives more opportunities to whites to success, and get more of what we call "power". In my opinion power is just a fake concept to give more authority to one race than to the other. 

"Race: The Power of an Illusion." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 15 Mar. 2014. Web. 17 Mar. 2014.

Post 1 Prompt 2

#2. What is your race? How has your race determined your privilege, power, and perspective in the world? Refer to the documentary and any other sources that inform your decision. MLA citations. 

German Gomez Sorzano
March 16, 2014

What's My Race?

Race is the fact or condition of belonging to a racial division or group. Race is a very complex theme to just simply define. It is something very complex because of the extension of previous generations. There are two main ways to see race, the first one is to see the physical differences and categories, and the second one is to dig all the way down and find out the exact genes and mitochondrial structure. So based on this, personally for me it is impossible to describe my race, literally, I don't know my roots. In some cases race could be an advantage to other people.

There is an enormous gap between one "race" and another. In some cases being black is an advantage and in other cases being white is the advantage. In my case, I live in an atmosphere surrounded by people who do not care about color. I've had the opportunity to have contact with other "cultures" such as the american culture. I received comments such as: "Mexican Ilegal, Dirty Latino". This shows how other cultures reject others. In my opinion, race is not an excuse to have more privileges or power, it is just an idea of superiority in some cases.

"Race and the Digital Humanities: An Introduction (NITLE Workshop)." Adeline Koh. N.p., n.d. Web. 17 Mar. 2014.

Monday, March 3, 2014

One Step Away

One Step Away
One step away, one step behind.
Santander Colombia.

There are some minds who believe the change is possible, there are some minds who believe in a better future. In Santander, Colombia there is a company named ISAGEN, which is taking the future one step further. Visionary minds, plan to use the natura resources to take benefits and improve the country. The Sogamoso River, which passes all the way by the department of Santander is going to be the structure of a future generation.
Hidrosogamoso, the name of the project. Repressing water and controlling the volume of the river gives plenty of advantages.

Energy: One of the main purposes is to produce energy in a way it is friendly with the ecosystem. Producing energy with this method is very effective and guarantees the country to not spending on buying energy to other countries.

Tourism: Another result of making this project is the tourism. People from many parts of the world would be interested on knowing a little more about this project. It will create water parks, and nautic clubs, which are great for  social encounters and tourism.

Economy: Eventually with this project the economy of the country will rise in a favorable way. Having a natural resource as a constant energy producer, places Colombia as a country with high standards.

This project will definitely improve the situation of Colombia. It will bring many benefits and guarantee a better future for Colombians.


  • "ISAGEN, Proyecto Hidroeléctrico Sogamoso." ISAGEN, Proyecto Hidroeléctrico Sogamoso. N.p., n.d. Web. 03 Mar. 2014.